Serving Communities Globally

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization

Build up Self-Confidence through Performance Art

Our Mission:

WePerform Org helps individuals of all ages to raise their self-confidence through Performance Art which includes developing skills in the area of Arts, STEM and Physical Education.

Our Work:

WePerform has partnered with the City of Berkeley, Albany, El Cerrito, Emeryville and Adventist University of the Philippines in providing educational programs for the youth.

Past and current programs included music camp, youth choir, violin class, jazz ensemble, music exploratory for preschoolers, virtual reality discovery class, intro to ping pong class & youth table tennis camp.

Our Journey:

Founded in 2007, WePerform Org has offered under-served communities across the globe with educational trainings and musical supplies.

WePerform has been voted the Best of El Cerrito for two consecutive years (2022-2024) as the Best Music Classes. As a non-profit organization, WePerform has offered scholarships to over 95% of its students in the program.

VR Fun in Action (promo video)


Do you ever wonder what the next wave of learning through technology looks like? You guessed it, it is through VR.

Virtual Reality (VR) is the future in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) education and in modern work places. Through our VR Education, students will get a glimpse into the virtual world in exploring nature, science, space and beyond.

We partner with our local community centers to provide these fun, exhilarating and engaging Educational VR classes.

10016 San Pablo Ave.

El Cerrito, CA 94530

(across from ACE Hardware)


Home pic 13.jpg

WePerform Center